InstallShield是軟體開發者及安裝檔(setup)設計者的理想選擇,為MSI安裝(Windows Installer installations)提供一個快速、簡單又具成本效益的解決方案,避免掉複雜的安裝檔(setup)設計,內建使用容易的小幫手(Project Assistant)並在MSI安裝的建立過程中一步步引導您。
● MSIX Modification Packages-Build MSIX modification packages from InstallShield for any given MSIX package.
● Pure 64 bit Launchers-Build pure 64 bit launchers for basic MSI and Suite installers.
● Support for AWS CloudHSM-based Digital Signing-Digitally sign your installers for build environments setup in AWS using CloudHSM certificates.
● MSIX – Support for MSIX Core-Create a single suite installer targeting MSIX for both Windows 10 and Windows 7.
● MSIX Modification Packages-Build MSIX modification packages from InstallShield for any given MSIX package.
● Pure 64 bit Launchers-Build pure 64 bit launchers for basic MSI and Suite installers.
● Support for AWS CloudHSM-based Digital Signing-Digitally sign your installers for build environments setup in AWS using CloudHSM certificates.
● MSIX – Support for MSIX Core-Create a single suite installer targeting MSIX for both Windows 10 and Windows 7.
