Event 353 存取被拒,RPM 主機為網域環境,印表機接在 Workgroup 上,列印時馬上會變成 Suspend,RPM 上有輸入 Workgroup 帳號密碼,請問如何解決?
When attempting to print from RPM to a shared Windows printer, the queue is suspended automatically by RPM and one of the following warning messages are logged:
Event 353: Can't start document printing 0xbbb : A StartDocPrinter() call was not issued
Event 327: Unable to open printer '
此錯誤訊息最常發生於 Windows 95/98/ME 的共享印表機,因為您並沒有讓「RPM Service」以 Domain Administrator 權限登入,才會發生此錯誤,請參考權限設定教學:
RPM Remote Print Manager Installation and Setup Guide for Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003
These messages are typically found when printing to a printer shared from a Windows 95, 98, or Millennium Edition operating system, but could also be found with other Windows operating systems as well.
By default, RPM is configured to run as the local SYSTEM account. This account has access only to local resources and cannot even see resources such as printers or folders shared from other computers. The RPM service needs to be configured to run as a DOMAIN user account. Almost any domain user account is sufficient.
Instructions for changing the account the RPM service is running as can be found in the installation and setup instructions for RPM Elite and RPM Select.
Error printing to a shared printer
[RPM故障排除] Event 353: Can't start document printing 0xbbb : 存取被拒
標籤: RPM
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