
Backup RPM queue configuration

Question: How do I back up my RPM configuration?

Description: We have RPM running on a dedicated print server machine. We have more than 50 queues. If this machine were to have any problems, these queues would be lost. Is there any way to backup this information just in case our computer crashes?

For RPM 5.0:
Go to the "File" menu in the GUI, select "Export" and enter a file name. The RPM GUI will back up the current configuration of queues, actions, transforms, jobs and settings into an XML file. You can later "Import" this from the "File" menu.
For RPM 4.5 and prior:
You can backup your queues, however you must do it from the registry editor. Warning: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may make your computer unbootable. Follow these directions at your own risk.

Choose Run from the Windows Start menu. Type regedit.exe and press OK.
Open HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Brooks Internet Software and highlight the RPM (for RPM 9x) or RPMPro (for RPM Select and Elite) subkey.
Choose Export Registry File from the Registry menu. Note: Windows XP users choose Export from the File menu.
Choose a folder and filename and press Save. A descriptive name such as RPM Queue Configuration.reg is recommended.
Close the Registry Editor.
Your queues have now been saved to the file you created. Follow these instructions to import your configuration:

If you have RPM 9x installed, close the user interface. RPM Elite and Select users must stop the RPM service.
Select Run from the Windows Start menu. Type regedit.exe and press OK.
Choose Import Registry File from the Registry menu. Note: Windows XP users choose Import from the File menu..
Locate the previously exported registry file created in the above steps and press Open.
If the import is successful, you will receive a message box that states Information in RPM Queue Configuration.reg has been successfully entered into the registry.
Now, open RPM and you will see your queues from before.
This is a good thing to do for backup purposes and for copying the information to a different computer as well.

FAQ: Is there a way to backup my queue configuration?


