

支援!RPM 雖然不是 PDF 轉譯程式,但應該也可以利用內建的「Filter」設定方式來透過 Adobe Reader 或 FoxIt Reader 列印 PDF 檔,也就是直接把 Unix 系統上產出的 PDF 檔直接用一般的雷設或噴墨印表機列印出來,不需要再另外購買支援「Direct PDF Printing」的雷射印表機。


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RPM is not a PDF interpreter, but should be able to print a PDF file by running a filter and specifying either the Adobe Reader or FoxIt Reader software. Both are available free of charge.

The following web page shows the command line options for Adobe Reader: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/commandlineswitches.php#Acrobat. You probably want to use the “Print a PDF file silently”. Also, you will need the latest RPM version,, as it has the ability to terminate an idle process.

The same website has command line switches for Foxit Reader too: http://www.robvanderwoude.com/commandlineswitches.php#Foxit. If you use the Foxit Reader, you probably will not need the terminate feature as you do with the Adobe software.

Technical Support
Brooks Internet Software, Inc.
