
InstallShield Express 可以更改安裝檔(setup.exe)小圖示嗎?

我所購買的是 Express 版本,請問我可以更改產出的安裝檔小圖示嗎?
僅有 Professional 及 Premier 版本支援安裝檔小圖示的更改,於 InstallScript Project 中按下拉式選單【Go】→【Media】→【Releases】,點選某個 Release,於「Setup.exe」分頁中執行「Single Exe Icon File」的圖示設定。Express 版本僅能利用其他工具(如:Visual Studio、Resource Hacker)來更換安裝檔小圖示。

Let me inform that this option is only available in the pure InstallScript project type (Goto Releases|Setup tab and select Single Exe Icon File). Since you are using Installshield Express (also in Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI project) this would not apply. The only way to change the icon of setup.exe is to open it in Visual Studio or similar editor and modify the icon resource manually.
