1. 試用期將從21天該改為14天;對於積極評估產品的潛在客戶,將額外提供14天擴展試用,總試用期為28天。
2. 試用申請不再適用非企業電子郵件例如、,而gmail.com仍可。
[InstallShield News - Evaluations]
1. The evaluation period is changing from 21 days to 14 days. “Extensions” are available for real opportunities where the prospects are actively evaluating the product. The extension will provide an additional 14 days for a total evaluation period of 28 days.
2. Evaluations will no longer be available for non-business email addresses such as, (however, will still be supported)
[重要通知] 來自PRTG Network Monitor重要安全信息
原廠通知有一個已發布的漏洞報告(CVE-2020-14073)有關PRTG 7之後的所有版本,其中透過一種方式,能讓有讀/寫權限的用戶或管理員惡意地使用PRTG其一的地圖物件功能並將已儲存的XSS附載到地圖上,這被視為連鎖攻擊的一部分以欺騙其他用戶執行這個附載。
其他用戶(例如:管理員)在打開地圖時可能會被欺騙執行此附載,在PRTG中對地圖功能的惡意使用,原廠不認同此報告所揭露的漏洞,反而允許並鼓勵用戶使用地圖功能來創作豐富的視覺體驗,地圖功能並不會受到真正的限制,因為,腳本代碼的嵌入(embedding of script code)才是該功能的主要關鍵,但原廠仍會尋求這問題的解決方案。
目前尚無解決或直接緩解方法,攻擊者至少要拿到具讀/寫權限的有效PRTG帳戶,才能建立或編輯地圖;PRTG管理員可以從PRTG web介面,透過設定(Setup)|系統管理員(System Administration)|使用者帳號(User Accounts)來檢查使用者名單,以重新評估使用者權限或刪除不運作的帳戶,也能透過歷史紀錄查看可能的惡意活動。
[Important security notice for PRTG Network Monitor]
Dear partner,
we want to inform you that there is a published vulnerability report (CVE-2020-14073) that affects all versions as of PRTG 7.
It describes a way in which an authenticated read/write users or admin user could maliciously use one of our map object features to place a stored XSS payload into a map, which could then be leveraged as part of a chained attack to trick another user into executing this payload.
What can happen as a result?
The reported feature itself cannot really be restricted from our point of view because the embedding of script code is a crucial part of the product functionality. We were in contact with the reporter about this and also informed them about the circumstances.
We admit that the current possibilities to restrict the use of this advanced feature may not be sufficient enough. Therefore, we were already in the process of finding a solution to the problem together with our Product Management team.
When do you plan to release a fixed version?
We are currently trying to refine the use case and the connected product functionalities.
In doing so, we hope that we will be able to provide users with a more elaborate way to scope the use of the feature in question in the future.
We will certainly adapt our documentation so that users are made more aware of the risks involved here.
Are there any mitigating factors or recommended workarounds?
Currently, no workaround or direct mitigation is possible. A potential attacker needs to have a valid user account in PRTG with at least read/write permissions to be able to create or edit maps.
A PRTG administrator can check the user base in the PRTG web interface under Setup | System Administration | User Accounts to re-evaluate the access rights granted or to delete inactive user accounts.
Additionally, a PRTG administrator can access the entire object history of all maps via yourprtginstance/objecthistory.htm?tabid=9 and check for possible malicious activity.
原廠通知有一個已發布的漏洞報告(CVE-2020-14073)有關PRTG 7之後的所有版本,其中透過一種方式,能讓有讀/寫權限的用戶或管理員惡意地使用PRTG其一的地圖物件功能並將已儲存的XSS附載到地圖上,這被視為連鎖攻擊的一部分以欺騙其他用戶執行這個附載。
其他用戶(例如:管理員)在打開地圖時可能會被欺騙執行此附載,在PRTG中對地圖功能的惡意使用,原廠不認同此報告所揭露的漏洞,反而允許並鼓勵用戶使用地圖功能來創作豐富的視覺體驗,地圖功能並不會受到真正的限制,因為,腳本代碼的嵌入(embedding of script code)才是該功能的主要關鍵,但原廠仍會尋求這問題的解決方案。
目前尚無解決或直接緩解方法,攻擊者至少要拿到具讀/寫權限的有效PRTG帳戶,才能建立或編輯地圖;PRTG管理員可以從PRTG web介面,透過設定(Setup)|系統管理員(System Administration)|使用者帳號(User Accounts)來檢查使用者名單,以重新評估使用者權限或刪除不運作的帳戶,也能透過歷史紀錄查看可能的惡意活動。
[Important security notice for PRTG Network Monitor]
Dear partner,
we want to inform you that there is a published vulnerability report (CVE-2020-14073) that affects all versions as of PRTG 7.
It describes a way in which an authenticated read/write users or admin user could maliciously use one of our map object features to place a stored XSS payload into a map, which could then be leveraged as part of a chained attack to trick another user into executing this payload.
What can happen as a result?
The reported feature itself cannot really be restricted from our point of view because the embedding of script code is a crucial part of the product functionality. We were in contact with the reporter about this and also informed them about the circumstances.
We admit that the current possibilities to restrict the use of this advanced feature may not be sufficient enough. Therefore, we were already in the process of finding a solution to the problem together with our Product Management team.
When do you plan to release a fixed version?
We are currently trying to refine the use case and the connected product functionalities.
In doing so, we hope that we will be able to provide users with a more elaborate way to scope the use of the feature in question in the future.
We will certainly adapt our documentation so that users are made more aware of the risks involved here.
Are there any mitigating factors or recommended workarounds?
Currently, no workaround or direct mitigation is possible. A potential attacker needs to have a valid user account in PRTG with at least read/write permissions to be able to create or edit maps.
A PRTG administrator can check the user base in the PRTG web interface under Setup | System Administration | User Accounts to re-evaluate the access rights granted or to delete inactive user accounts.
Additionally, a PRTG administrator can access the entire object history of all maps via yourprtginstance/objecthistory.htm?tabid=9 and check for possible malicious activity.
[版本更新] UltraCompare V20.20 程式比對工具
Cloud Sync(雲端同步),讓每個系統成為您最喜歡的系統!立即使用advanced tab(進階標籤)前往升級。
認識Cloud Sync
Cloud Sync能讓用戶在所有IDM應用程式實例之間,即時地安全地分享、同步、備份以及佈署設定,同步您的:Application settings(應用程式設定)、Sessions & sync rules(類別和同步規則)、Themes(主題)、Wordfiles(文字檔)、FTP accounts(FTP帳戶)、Layout(版面),Cloud Sync讓用戶不用再保留本地備份(local backups),不用花費寶貴時間建立新系統,不用從先前系統恢復設定檔,只要把設定傳送到安全雲(secure cloud)上,然後點選一個按鍵即可同步到新的系統。
Cloud Sync只是IDM原廠推出的雲服務開端而已,後續將持續推出其他雲服務。
UltraCompare v20.20 now available
Featuring all-new Cloud Sync: Make every system your favorite system! click Check for updates in the Advanced tab
Meet Cloud Sync in UltraCompare:
Cloud Sync empowers you to instantly and securely share, sync, backup, and deploy your settings across all your instances of IDM applications. Sync your:Application settings、Sessions & sync rules、Themes、Wordfiles、FTP accounts、Layout. With Cloud Sync, you don't need to keep local backups any longer, spend precious time trying to set up a new system, or recover config files from a previous system – just send your settings to our secure cloud, then sync them to a new system with the click of a button.
Cloud Sync is just the beginning of IDM's Cloud Services.
Cloud Sync(雲端同步),讓每個系統成為您最喜歡的系統!立即使用advanced tab(進階標籤)前往升級。
認識Cloud Sync
Cloud Sync能讓用戶在所有IDM應用程式實例之間,即時地安全地分享、同步、備份以及佈署設定,同步您的:Application settings(應用程式設定)、Sessions & sync rules(類別和同步規則)、Themes(主題)、Wordfiles(文字檔)、FTP accounts(FTP帳戶)、Layout(版面),Cloud Sync讓用戶不用再保留本地備份(local backups),不用花費寶貴時間建立新系統,不用從先前系統恢復設定檔,只要把設定傳送到安全雲(secure cloud)上,然後點選一個按鍵即可同步到新的系統。
Cloud Sync只是IDM原廠推出的雲服務開端而已,後續將持續推出其他雲服務。
UltraCompare v20.20 now available
Featuring all-new Cloud Sync: Make every system your favorite system! click Check for updates in the Advanced tab
Meet Cloud Sync in UltraCompare:
Cloud Sync empowers you to instantly and securely share, sync, backup, and deploy your settings across all your instances of IDM applications. Sync your:Application settings、Sessions & sync rules、Themes、Wordfiles、FTP accounts、Layout. With Cloud Sync, you don't need to keep local backups any longer, spend precious time trying to set up a new system, or recover config files from a previous system – just send your settings to our secure cloud, then sync them to a new system with the click of a button.
Cloud Sync is just the beginning of IDM's Cloud Services.
[優惠活動]夏季限定!2020 InstallShield全球同步回饋客戶舊版升級活動,限時超殺優惠
備註:1.活動期間:即日起至2020/9/15止 2.活動條件:未曾參與過升級活動之舊版客戶 3.活動優惠不得合併使用 4.迪凱科技保有活動審核與修改的權利
- 活動期間 2020年9月15日止
- 活動方式 只要您是InstallShield用戶,不限版本,任何規格都能升級
- 活動專線 歡迎來電(02-2749-1909)或來信(迪凱科技業務部洽詢
備註:1.活動期間:即日起至2020/9/15止 2.活動條件:未曾參與過升級活動之舊版客戶 3.活動優惠不得合併使用 4.迪凱科技保有活動審核與修改的權利
[新品上架] ThermalLabel SDK for .NET 程式開發
ThermalLabel SDK for .NET是一個.NET標準類別程式庫(Standard Class Library),在.NET Framework、.NET CORE、Legacy ASP.NET MVC & CORE、Xamarin、Mono & Universal Windows Platform (UWP)等平台用VB.NET或C#撰寫.NET代碼,以建立進階Barcode標籤並列印到Zebra ZPL/EPL、EPSON ESC/POS和Honeywell-Intermec Fingerprint Thermal Printers(指紋熱感印表機)
ThermalLabel SDK可設計及列印簡單到複雜的標籤排版,支援純文字(text)、Barcode、圖形和圖片(graphic and image)、RFID標籤、形狀例如圓形/橢圓形/矩形/線形;它提供統一的物件模型,幫助用戶建立標籤設計並列印到Zebra、EPSON和Honeywell-Intermec等印表機,從中得到相同的輸出品,一般用途印表機(非熱感印表機)也同樣支援在圖形模式(graphics mode)以及彩色標籤設定(color label)下列印
ThermalLabel SDK for .NET是一個.NET標準類別程式庫(Standard Class Library),在.NET Framework、.NET CORE、Legacy ASP.NET MVC & CORE、Xamarin、Mono & Universal Windows Platform (UWP)等平台用VB.NET或C#撰寫.NET代碼,以建立進階Barcode標籤並列印到Zebra ZPL/EPL、EPSON ESC/POS和Honeywell-Intermec Fingerprint Thermal Printers(指紋熱感印表機)
ThermalLabel SDK可設計及列印簡單到複雜的標籤排版,支援純文字(text)、Barcode、圖形和圖片(graphic and image)、RFID標籤、形狀例如圓形/橢圓形/矩形/線形;它提供統一的物件模型,幫助用戶建立標籤設計並列印到Zebra、EPSON和Honeywell-Intermec等印表機,從中得到相同的輸出品,一般用途印表機(非熱感印表機)也同樣支援在圖形模式(graphics mode)以及彩色標籤設定(color label)下列印
[新品上架] Peganza Pascal Analyzer 程式開發
Pascal Analyzer(簡稱PAL),主要解析Delphi或Borland Pascal等代碼。構建大量的內部表格識別碼(internal tables of identifiers)並收集其他資料例如子程式之間的使用,解析完成後將產生廣泛的、重要的代碼報告,幫助用戶更好了解代碼再產出更高品質、可靠的代碼
支援Delphi 10.4 (Sydney)
近期原廠發布Pascal Analyzer、Pascal Expert、Pascal Browser等產品最新版本,在功能提升之下,這些產品都能支援Delphi 10.4,用戶可以使用註冊信箱來將產品升級到最新版本;如果是非用戶,也能申請試用版來體驗產品。
支援Delphi 10.4 (Sydney)
近期原廠發布Pascal Analyzer、Pascal Expert、Pascal Browser等產品最新版本,在功能提升之下,這些產品都能支援Delphi 10.4,用戶可以使用註冊信箱來將產品升級到最新版本;如果是非用戶,也能申請試用版來體驗產品。
Think-cell 安裝圖文流程