
如何利用 InstallShield 於桌面建立網際網路捷徑?

於「Application Files」步驟中,右鍵點選「Destination Cumputer」,選取選單中的【Show Predefined Folder】→【DesktopFolder】。

點一下左邊的「DesktopFolder」,按〔Add Files〕加入網際網路捷徑檔(*.url)。

An Internet shortcut is just a text file with the .url extension. Here are the steps involved in creating such a shortcut:

1. Create a text file with the name of your desired Internet shortcut with extension TXT with the following contents:

2. The IconFile attribute is optional, but can be used to specify the icon of your shortcut. Rename the extension of the shortcut file to be URL.

3. Add the URL file into your project as an ordinary file into the directory where the shortcut should be created. This could be a path based on one of the predefined folders such as [DesktopFolder] or [ProgramMenuFolder].

Please note: You cannot right-click and select Add File because InstallShield uses a standard Windows File Open dialog that automatically resolves shortcuts. Clicking Add File will try to add the Web site itself, which will not work. Similarly including any other shortcut with Add File will try to add the actual file that the shortcut points to. With drag-and-drop, however, one is given the raw file, and the shortcut itself will be included, not what it points to.

InstallShield Express 可以更改安裝檔(setup.exe)小圖示嗎?

我所購買的是 Express 版本,請問我可以更改產出的安裝檔小圖示嗎?
僅有 Professional 及 Premier 版本支援安裝檔小圖示的更改,於 InstallScript Project 中按下拉式選單【Go】→【Media】→【Releases】,點選某個 Release,於「Setup.exe」分頁中執行「Single Exe Icon File」的圖示設定。Express 版本僅能利用其他工具(如:Visual Studio、Resource Hacker)來更換安裝檔小圖示。

Let me inform that this option is only available in the pure InstallScript project type (Goto Releases|Setup tab and select Single Exe Icon File). Since you are using Installshield Express (also in Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI project) this would not apply. The only way to change the icon of setup.exe is to open it in Visual Studio or similar editor and modify the icon resource manually.


SolarWinds 線上研討會 (2009.09.09)

線上研討 : 網路疑難排解與使用SolarWinds管理最佳實例




• SolarWinds工具技術介紹


日期: 09/09/09星期三
時間: 11.30am -12.30pm
線上報名: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/373752424


TeamViewer 採購問題


Number of workstations from which sessions can be started concurrently (channels) 如「甲」的行為–由A連到B:
With a Premium or a Corporate license you can install TeamViewer on any number of workstations.
The Premium license includes one session channel so that one workstation at a time can establish sessions.
The Corporate license includes three session channels which allow three workstations to establish sessions concurrently.
If you need more concurrent users you may purchase further session channels.

E.g.: If you own a Premium license with one additional channel you may install TeamViewer on any number of workstations and two workstations can establish connections at any given time.

Number of concurrent sessions from one workstation. 如「乙」的行為–由B連到A
TeamViewer allows multiple concurrent sessions with different partners from one workstation for which neither any additional installations nor additional channels are required.
You will only need additional channels if you want to establish concurrent sessions from multiple workstations and NOT for establishing multiple sessions from one workstation.

1. 可以無限次數的安裝。(Number of workstations on which TeamViewer can be installed)
2. 但您同一時間只能有一台電腦從公司網域內連線到遠端的一台電腦。(Number of workstations from which sessions can be started concurrently (channels))
3. 同一時間,可以有十台遠端電腦連線到您公司網域內的某一台電腦。(Number of concurrent sessions from one workstation.)

何謂 Lifetime license?

Lifetime license - one-time payment without recurring fees
You can use your permanent license for an unlimited time after purchase. There are no additional costs per use/month/year etc.
That makes TeamViewer one of the most cost-efficient solutions on the market.
We at TeamViewer do not offer costly maintenance contracts but provide free updates within the same major release.


Serv-U 目前版本支援的作業系同平台

Serv-U 支援的作業系同平台如下:
• Windows 2000 (Advanced) Server
• Windows 2000 Professional
• Windows XP Home / Professional
• Windows Server 2003
• Windows Vista
• Windows 2008
資料來源 :http://www.serv-u.com/dn.asp


PGP Command Line 選購說明

簡單來說,PGP Command Line 是一套自動化的檔案加解密系統,其操作是透過純指令的方式,當您選購時會有下列版本選項:

Receive Only:
僅用於接收(透過 PGP Command Line 自動將檔案解密)

Send Only:
僅用於傳送(透過 PGP Command Line 自動將檔案加密)

Send & Receive:
同時用於傳送及接收(透過 PGP Command Line 自動將檔案加密或解密)



RPM 軟體可以透過「第三方軟體」將 PCL 檔轉成 PDF 檔,您可以試用以下軟體:

Convert PCL to PDF and Other Formats
EscapeE by RedTitan combined with RPM Remote Print Manager™ converts mainframe and host PCL files into PDF, PNG, IMG, FDL, AFP, XML, CSV, and TXT.

RPM Receives the PCL File, EscapeE Performs the Transforms

RPM Remote Print Manager and EscapeE make is easy to get your PCL documents from any host system into a more compatible format.

1. Host systems (AS400, mainframe, Windows®, UNIX, etc...) send the PCL file via the TCP/IP protocol to RPM.
2. Once received, RPM will save the PCL document to a folder on the Windows computer.
3. Red Titan's EscapeE takes the PCL document from the folder and will convert the PCL file to PDF (Portable Document Format).

This allows the user to easily view and store the converted PDF document directly with a browser using PDF viewers such as Adobe Acrobat. Your PDF document is now ready for archiving, printing, and e-publishing.


Lower Printing Costs and Automated Printing at Major Insurance Company


[密技] 如何更改 Serv-U 預設的語言?

很多客戶的伺服器是英文版的,又剛好 Serv-U 在安裝前會主動偵測您的作業系統語系,因此,如果您於安裝前沒有手動選取「中文」,就會安裝成英文版,如果安裝英文版後覺得比較沒有親切感又不習慣怎麼辦?不能夠在不重新安裝的前提下切換語系嗎?



將檔案儲存於「C:\Program Files\RhinoSoft.com\Serv-U\Strings」後重開Serv-U。


[教學] 如何更改 Serv-U 預設的 FTP Port?


於「監聽器」分頁,左鍵按兩下「FTP 和...」這個類型。

將「」更改為您所需求的 Port 後,按〔保存〕即更改完成。(預設:21)